Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Day One Progress for #ReadingCram

 Books I Read During Day One: 

When Day One started I was still currently read To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. I was on page 281. I finished the last 16 pages of the book during day one. 

I was also currently reading Smoke by Ellen Hopkins. I was on page 340. I read the last 204 pages.

After I finished both of those books I picked up Adorkable by Sarra Manning. I read 69 pages before going to bed. 

Since I finished the books I was currently reading the rest of the books during the readathon will be new to me. 

Let's add these pages together! 

Smoke by Ellen Hopkins -  204 pages
To Kill A Mockingbird - 16 pages
Adorkable by Sarra Manning - 69 pages

Total Pages For Day One: 289 pages! 

I am pretty proud of myself with that number!